Legal Issues > Columns

Whether it’s regulatory compliance, patent lawsuits, or copyright challenges, the online video industry sees its share of legal and government issues. We’ll keep you up to date here with the latest news.

An Impending Accessibility Backlash

Software developers are trained in accessibility issues for front-end development and basic concepts like labeling control elements and reporting state changes to assistive technology—screen-readers—are part of a professional developer's code testing procedures. Despite this progress, two very different forces are swirling with the potential to push back on the trend towards better technological inclusion of the disabled.

Nostr: The Next Step to Micropayment Video Content Monetization?

The impetus to create something like Nostr began with the Bitcoin community, which was seeking more ways to confirm known identities on the public Internet and create a path to send payments between two parties with more ease than ever before.

Educational Video and Protecting Student Rights

Both student privacy and accessibility need to be considered by any school, college, or university that's using video for education.

All Roads Lead to ABR Royalties

As recent lawsuits regarding DASH-related patents make clear, royalty payments on adaptive bitrate streaming are inevitable—even if it's not yet clear who'll be paying who, or how much

Two Quick-Fix Solutions That Became Long-Term Problems

When will the industry jettison HTTP-segment-based streaming and buffer-based playback, both of which hold us back? How about right now, our columnist proposes.

Online Educators Enjoy Generous Copyright Exemptions for Video

Schools are covered by different copyright measures than the mass public, making it easy for streaming classrooms to get around access controls.

The Chinese Streaming Market Rife With Possibilities and Pitfalls

Western publishers that want to stream video to audiences in China need to overcome unique hurdles that are more political than technical.

Mayweather-Pacquiao Fight Exposes Video Piracy Problems

Live streaming apps Meerkat and Periscope got bad press for allowing the fight to be pirated, but the real culprits have been around for far longer.